

  时间:2018年5月12日 08:45-11:30




  报 告 人:蔡荣根 院士






  主要从事引力理论和宇宙学研究。拓扑黑洞的早期研究者之一,提出了Gauss-Bonnet拓扑黑洞解,该解被国际同行称为Boulware-Deser-Cai黑洞解,在引力性质研究方面具有广泛的应用。提出了拓扑德西特时空,证明了渐近德西特时空的视界熵满足共形场论的Cardy-Verlinde公式。从热力学第一定律推导出了描述宇宙动力学的Friedmann 方程,证明了宇宙视界具有霍金辐射,相关温度被国际同行称为Cai-Kim 温度。发表论文200余篇,论文被他引11000余次,曾获国家自然科学奖二等奖,汤森路透全球高被引科学家奖。


  报告题目:Exploring the Intrinsic Features of Ideal Glass From Computation

  报 告 人:龚新高 院士



  Exploring the Intrinsic Features of Ideal Glass From Computation

  X. G. Gong

  Department of Physics,
Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China

  The nature of glass states has been the long-standing problem in the solid-state physics. With the state-of-art of computational tools locally developed in Fudan, we performed intensive simulations on the thermodynamic properties and explored potential energy surface of an ideal glass which was identified in our own group. We found that the atoms of an ideal glass manifest cooperative diffusion, and show clearly different behavior from the liquid state. By determining the potential energy surface, we demonstrated that the glass state has a flat potential landscape, which is the intrinsic feature of ideal glass. Through manipulating the potential surface, we obtained strong evidence that disordering is not the intrinsic properties of glass, although most of the glasses we know are disorder. With this picture, we could provide some interpretation on the glass transition.





  报告题目:The SULF 10PW and SEL 100PW laser Projects at Shanghai

  报 告 人:李儒新 院士



  The SULF 10PW and SEL 100PW laser Projects at Shanghai

  Ruxin Li, Yuxin Leng, Xiaoyan Liang, Zhizhan Xu

  Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

  Shanghai 201800,China

  There are several projects in either the preparatory phase or the implementation phase for delivering 10PW laser pulses in the world. We will report the progress of 10PW Shanghai Superintense Ultrafast Laser Facility (SULF) and present a new method that uses a temporal dual-pulse pump beam to suppress the parasitic lasing in large aperture Ti:sapphire crystals. In 2016, the output signal energy of 202.8 J from a 150mm size Ti:S amplifier was obtained, with a signal to pump conversion efficiency of 49.3%. The chirped pulse was compressed by a grating compressor down to 24.0 fs, leading to the output of 5PW laser pulses. In 2017, a similar technology was successfully used to implement the 235mm in diameter Ti:sapphire amplifier which can output 339J chirped pulse. A small part of the laser energy was compressed down to 21fs, indicating that a 10.3PW pulse can be produced if the full energy pulse can be compressed by using large enough gratings. According to the schedule, the 10PW laser facility will be ready in the beginning of 2019 and then opened to users.

  More recently, we have launched the project of Station of Extreme Light (SEL) under the Shanghai Coherent Light Facility (SCLF) at Shanghai. SCLF is a super conducting XFEL facility. As one of stations of SCLF, SEL will be equipped a 100PW laser system. SEL attempts to make use of the two kinds of most intense lasers, i.e. the 100PW optical laser and the TW level hard x-ray laser. The combination of the hard XFEL and the 100PW laser will initiate exploration of vacuum birefringence, acceleration mechanisms leading to ultra-high energy cosmic rays, and so on. The 100 PW laser system will be based on the optical parametric chirped-pulse amplification (OPCPA) approach to realize 1500J/15fs output, with a designed intensity of higher than 1023 W/cm2. According to the plan, the 100PW laser will be available in 2024.


